



Wednesday 27/02


Tutorial on"Easily Fighting Murphy: High-level Application Development in the IoT with Fault Tolerance"


Workshop EternalS' 13


Doctoral symposium

Coffee break


Tutorial on"Easily Fighting Murphy: High-level Application Development in the IoT with Fault Tolerance"


Workshop EternalS' 13


Doctoral symposium

Thursday 28/02

Keynote Laurie Williams

Why We Need a Science for Software Security

chair: Valerie Issarny & Jan Jürjens

Coffee break

chair: Peter Herrmann

Control-Flow Integrity in Web Applications
Bastian Braun, Patrick Gemein, Hans P. Reiser and Joachim Posegga

Using Security Policies to Automate Placement of Network Intrusion Prevention
Nirupama Talele, Jason Teutsch, Trent Jaeger and Robert Erbacher

Idea: Callee-site Rewriting of Sealed System Libraries
Philipp von Styp-Rekowsky, Sebastian Gerling, Michael Backes and Christian Hammer


Friday 01/03

Keynote George Danezis

Privacy technologies for the smart grid

chair: Jan Jürjens

Coffee break

10:30-12:00 FORMAL METHODS
chair: Wouter Joosen

DKAL*: Constructing Executable Specifications of Authorization Protocols
Jean-Baptiste Jeannin, Guido De Caso, Juan Chen, Yuri Gurevich, Prasad Naldurg and Nikhil Swamy

A formal approach for inspecting privacy and trust in advanced electronic services
Koen Decroix, Jorn Lapon, Bart De Decker and Vincent Naessens

Idea: Writing Secure C Programs with SecProve
Myla M. Archer, Elizabeth I. Leonard and Constance L. Heitmeyer



14:00 - 15:30

Tutorial on"Easily Fighting Murphy: High-level Application Development in the IoT with Fault Tolerance"


Tutorial on Techniques for Secure Programming


Workshop EternalS' 13


Doctoral symposium

Coffee break

16:00 - 17:30

Tutorial on"Easily Fighting Murphy: High-level Application Development in the IoT with Fault Tolerance"


Tutorial on Techniques for Secure Programming


Workshop EternalS' 13


Doctoral symposium


14:00-15:30 POLICIES
chair: Maritta Heisel

Towards Unified Authorization for Android
Michael J. May and Karthik Bhargavan

Model-Based Usage Control Policy Derivation
Prachi Kumari and Alexander Pretschner

Compositional Verification of Application-Level Security Properties
Linda Ariani Gunawan and Peter Herrmann

Coffee break

16:00-17:30 PROVING
chair: Alexander Pretschner

Towards Verifying Voter Privacy Through Unlinkability
Denis Butin, David Gray and Giampaolo Bella

Confidentiality for Probabilistic Multi-Threaded Programs and Its Verification
Tri Minh Ngo, Marielle Stoelinga and Marieke Huisman

A Fully Homomorphic Crypto-Processor Design: Correctness of a Secret Computer
Peter T. Breuer and Jonathan P. Bowen



Presentation of the NESSoS research roadmap on Engineering Secure Future Internet Services
chair: Fabio Martinelli and Carmen Fernandez Gago

panel list: Volkmar Lotz, Alexander Pretschner, Laurie Williams

NESSoS presentation Fabio Martinelli

NESSoS presentation Carmen Fernandez Gago

NESSoS Roadmapping and community building efforts

14:00-15:30 ANALYZING
chair: Valerie Issarny

Anatomy of Exploit Kits: Preliminary Analysis of Exploit Kits as Software Artefacts
Vadim Kotov and Fabio Massacci

An Empirical Study on the Effectiveness of Security Code Review
Anne Edmundson, Brian Holtkamp, Emanuel Rivera, Matthew Finifter, Adrian Mettler and David Wagner

Eliminating SQL Injection and Cross Site Scripting Using Aspect Oriented Programming
Bojan Simic and James Walden

15:30 Closing and outlook to ESSoS'14 in Munich
chair: Jan Jürjens & Alexander Pretschner

